Manawaroa is our sister company. It is a kaupapa Māori provider of wellbeing and resilience services to whānau and the workforce. Manawaroa delivers multiple programmes.
Manawaroa Programme
Manawaroa Programme – Our programme is an evidence- and kaupapa Māori-based model of Resilience. It supports individuals and families to know and apply the 4 W’s: Whānau using their strengths (whaikaha) to bounce back from life's challenges (wero) and thrive (whakapuawai). We offer this course to kaimahi | the workforce as well. It is a programme that providers can deliver to their kiritaki | clients.
For more detail see: Manawaroa
Puāwai Programmes
Puāwai for Caregivers (P4C) - Our programme is a trauma- and healing-informed programme. Oranga Tamariki caregivers learn new skills and knowledge to be even better caregivers. Programme topics include mātauranga Māori, neuroscience, positive psychology, trauma, healing and practical tools and techniques to keep caregivers and young people in care safe, secure, and resilient. Caregivers also receive access to online advanced learning. The topics included acute crisis management, understanding teenage behaviours, understanding developmental disabilities and trauma, understanding more about kaupapa Māori and many more.
For more detail see: Puāwai for Caregivers
Puāwai for Kaimahi (P4K) – Our programme focuses on upskilling kaimahi | workforce. The first part of the training specialises in supporting kaimahi to understand and manage stress and trauma at work. The second part of the training specialises in upskilling tangata whenua and tangata tiriti kaimahi to work better together under the korowai of te Tiriti o Waitangi. Topics include: stress; trauma; racism, bias and discrimination; te Tiriti; positive psychology; resilience; and many tips and techniques to support kaimahi wellbeing and collaboration based on te Tiriti. Workforce in the mental health and addiction sector is a priority for this training and we also welcome any workforce that supports people and families who experience mild to moderate distress.
For more details see: Puāwai for Kaimahi
Kua Ao te Raa Programme (KatR) - Our programme supports maamaa, peepee and their whaanau to prevent Sudden Unexplained Death in Infancy (SUDI). It provides a suite of training to providers so they can understand what SUDI is, and deliver a customised Moe Haumaru | Safe Sleep Plan. This programme is modelled on our Puāwai programmes and Dr Melanie Christensen’s research on Māori SUDI prevention in Counties Manukau. Dr Christensen is one of our valued expert advisors.