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Is building child/tamariki, youth/rangatahi and/or family/whānau resilience important to you?


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​Manawaroa is a new and innovative resilience framework, designed and operated in  Aotearoa/New Zealand to support intergenerational resilience andequitable outcomes.

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what is

-Grows whānau resilience using a Te Ao Māori approach

- Puts into practice the ‘best of’ Te Ao Māori and Western science knowledge streams (e.g. Te Ao Māori and universal resilience research, positive psychology, socio-ecological and solutions-focused frames and cultural intelligence.

- Based on Whānau Potential and a belief that whānau are already resilient

- Inspired by the voice of Whānau and Practitioners

- Enabler of Whānau Ora

- A ‘living’ model (developing over time).


How does it work?

An accredited Manawaroa practitioner is trained to support their client(s) to self-identify and build upon their strengths, using one or more of three customised resilience frameworks: child, youth, adult and family or tamariki, rangatahi, pākeke and whānau. The client and practitioner use a strengths-based and solutions-focused approach as part of their Mahi/work together. Self-assessment scaling tools and handouts are used to identify and track the growth of resilience. The impacts of Manawaroa are measured via the tools and a set of complementary validated surveys.

How do I become a Manawaroa practitioner?

Practitioners must be accredited via Shea Pita & Associates Ltd or its sister company, Manawaroa Ltd. We offer training to people, providers, agencies and communities of practitioners. Each framework comprises a comprehensive two-day training package, and/or if you train in more than one framework, we can customise a 4-5 day training package for you.
Practitioners are licensed to use the framework and receive ongoing support. Options include online coaching and other (to be agreed) activities.

Can family/whānau use the frameworks for free?


Accreditation only applies to practitioners who wish to use the framework for work purposes, i.e. those working in health, social services, teachers, etc.

How much does it cost?

The training and accreditation costs vary depending on how many frameworks you wish to be accredited for. Please email Sharon Shea ( for more details.

“What clients say about

Alexa Young, CA

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